Hi! Mediocre Programmer, Wants to help [esp. with documentation]
Dan Yang
2009-01-29 02:42:24 UTC
Hi everyone,

My name is Daniel Yang, I have been programming for about 5 years (mostly
c/c++). I just go into ruby about 3 months ago and am not entirely
proficient yet but I want to help.

I have been using FreeRIDE for a while and had recently gotten the urge to
work on the project. The lack of documentation however, was frustrating.
Seeing as I'm not a ruby guru yet, I probably won't be able to help much
with actual code but I feel like I could really help out with

Do you guys need the help? If so, how should i start?

Laurent Julliard
2009-01-29 07:29:17 UTC

Thanks a lot for your interest in FreeRIDE. To be honest the SW
development activity on FreeRIDE has been dormant for a while. Not that
FreeRIDE is not used anymore, quite the opposite actually because we
keep receiving email from people and bug reports.

Speaking of bug reports, you could certainly take a look at the bug list
on rubyforge and decide to investigate a few of them and ideally fix
them. It's a good way to become familiar with the source code.
Documentation would certainly help as well but FreeRIDE is not that
diffucult to understand from an end user persepctive.

Bug list is at

If you want to work on it create an account on RubyForge and I'll give
you member permissions on the FreeRIDE project.


Post by Dan Yang
Hi everyone,
My name is Daniel Yang, I have been programming for about 5 years
(mostly c/c++). I just go into ruby about 3 months ago and am not
entirely proficient yet but I want to help.
I have been using FreeRIDE for a while and had recently gotten the urge
to work on the project. The lack of documentation however, was
frustrating. Seeing as I'm not a ruby guru yet, I probably won't be
able to help much with actual code but I feel like I could really help
out with documentation.
Do you guys need the help? If so, how should i start?
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