foxGUIb plugin?
Meinrad Recheis
2006-06-07 05:10:05 UTC
dear freeRIDE developers,
Some jears ago someone said to me on the ruby-talk ML that it would be
a good idea to make a foxGUIb plugin for freeride. Back then i thought
that foxGUIb was not mature enough yet.

Now, that I've reworked it a lot and foxGUIb is getting popular
amongst FXRuby newbies I remembered this idea. What do you think of

-- henon
Laurent Julliard
2006-06-07 06:55:44 UTC

As a matter of fact I had the same thought a while ago when I read the
foxGuib announcement on ruby-talk and I said to myself "wouldn't be nice
if we had this as a plugin in FXRuby".

I think it is a very nice idea and would definitely give FreeRIDE an
advantage compared to the Ruby IDE. I'll take a look at foxGuib myself
and I suggest that you take a look at the FR sources and see how we have
integrated the RDOC browser (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_ri/) or the
FXIRB (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_irb/). Those were initially
standalone programs that we managed to visually integrate in FreeRIDE.

I think you should also tell us how you envisage the integration between
the two from an end-user perspective. That would help us translate this
in terms of technical requirements.

Let's get this running!

Post by Meinrad Recheis
dear freeRIDE developers,
Some jears ago someone said to me on the ruby-talk ML that it would be
a good idea to make a foxGUIb plugin for freeride. Back then i thought
that foxGUIb was not mature enough yet.
Now, that I've reworked it a lot and foxGUIb is getting popular
amongst FXRuby newbies I remembered this idea. What do you think of
-- henon
Freeride-devel mailing list
Meinrad Recheis
2006-06-07 20:47:21 UTC
Post by Laurent Julliard
As a matter of fact I had the same thought a while ago when I read the
foxGuib announcement on ruby-talk and I said to myself "wouldn't be nice
if we had this as a plugin in FXRuby".
I think it is a very nice idea and would definitely give FreeRIDE an
advantage compared to the Ruby IDE. I'll take a look at foxGuib myself
and I suggest that you take a look at the FR sources and see how we have
integrated the RDOC browser (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_ri/) or the
FXIRB (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_irb/). Those were initially
standalone programs that we managed to visually integrate in FreeRIDE.
i will have a look at them.
Post by Laurent Julliard
I think you should also tell us how you envisage the integration between
the two from an end-user perspective. That would help us translate this
in terms of technical requirements.
ok. let me have a close look at freeride and the available plugins
first. then i will be able to talk about that.
Post by Laurent Julliard
Let's get this running!
i am looking forward to it!
-- henon

PS: there are quite a few things i think i can be proud of in foxGUIb,
but it still contains lots of code that i am not at all proud of ...
code that i have been writing during some nights 3 years ago. now that
i have learned a lot about how to write professional code i am almost
ashamed of it. but there is hope. i will start to build up a testsuite
and then refactor the awkward code out.
Meinrad Recheis
2006-06-09 20:42:34 UTC
Post by Meinrad Recheis
Post by Laurent Julliard
As a matter of fact I had the same thought a while ago when I read the
foxGuib announcement on ruby-talk and I said to myself "wouldn't be nice
if we had this as a plugin in FXRuby".
I think it is a very nice idea and would definitely give FreeRIDE an
advantage compared to the Ruby IDE. I'll take a look at foxGuib myself
and I suggest that you take a look at the FR sources and see how we have
integrated the RDOC browser (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_ri/) or the
FXIRB (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_irb/). Those were initially
standalone programs that we managed to visually integrate in FreeRIDE.
i will have a look at them.
Post by Laurent Julliard
I think you should also tell us how you envisage the integration between
the two from an end-user perspective. That would help us translate this
in terms of technical requirements.
ok. let me have a close look at freeride and the available plugins
first. then i will be able to talk about that.
hmm, i see 2 problems when thinking about making foxGUIb a plugin for FreeRIDE:

1) foxGUIb is not a single window application. so it will not
integrate into the FreeRIDE GUI as nicely as fxri for instance. Also
the foxGUIb mainwindow needs much screenspace. The only way that makes
sense is launching foxGUIb as a free floating window. foxGUIb is able
to open up some sub windows like the event editor or its built in Ruby
2) foxGUIb's GUI is very individually styled. would you force me to
change the GUI to conform to FreeRIDE's look and feel?

I'd suggest to start foxGUIb as it is from FreeRIDE. Any code that is
generated by foxguib could be opened by the freeride editor

i imagine the following possible ways of integration:
* light integration: freeride just start and stops foxguib and
immediately opens generated source code.
* heavy integration: some parts of foxGUIb become freeride components
such as the event editor and the ruby console.

i'd prefer the light one ;)

what do you think?
-- henon
Laurent Julliard
2006-06-10 04:46:05 UTC
Post by Meinrad Recheis
Post by Meinrad Recheis
Post by Laurent Julliard
As a matter of fact I had the same thought a while ago when I read the
foxGuib announcement on ruby-talk and I said to myself "wouldn't be nice
if we had this as a plugin in FXRuby".
I think it is a very nice idea and would definitely give FreeRIDE an
advantage compared to the Ruby IDE. I'll take a look at foxGuib myself
and I suggest that you take a look at the FR sources and see how we have
integrated the RDOC browser (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_ri/) or the
FXIRB (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_irb/). Those were initially
standalone programs that we managed to visually integrate in FreeRIDE.
i will have a look at them.
Post by Laurent Julliard
I think you should also tell us how you envisage the integration between
the two from an end-user perspective. That would help us translate this
in terms of technical requirements.
ok. let me have a close look at freeride and the available plugins
first. then i will be able to talk about that.
1) foxGUIb is not a single window application. so it will not
integrate into the FreeRIDE GUI as nicely as fxri for instance. Also
the foxGUIb mainwindow needs much screenspace. The only way that makes
sense is launching foxGUIb as a free floating window. foxGUIb is able
to open up some sub windows like the event editor or its built in Ruby
2) foxGUIb's GUI is very individually styled. would you force me to
change the GUI to conform to FreeRIDE's look and feel?
I'd suggest to start foxGUIb as it is from FreeRIDE. Any code that is
generated by foxguib could be opened by the freeride editor
* light integration: freeride just start and stops foxguib and
immediately opens generated source code.
* heavy integration: some parts of foxGUIb become freeride components
such as the event editor and the ruby console.
i'd prefer the light one ;)
what do you think?
I fully agree with you that we should do the light integration. I
doesn't make much sense to embed the windows or panels of foxGUIb in FR.
As to the look and feel it doesn't matter so much for a start. I would
even argue that FR could adopt the foxGUIb look and feel in the long run.

So if foxGUIb is launched as an independent binary programm it is just a
matter of writing a small plugin to start and stop it and establish a
communication mechanism for foxGUIb to give instructions to FR (open a
file, refresh a file,...). Does FR need to give feedback to foxGUIb?
(e.g when pointing to a specific widget variable can we also highlght it
in foxGUIb?

We would also integrate FR in the installers so that the users has
everything in one piece.

Meinrad Recheis
2006-06-10 09:48:48 UTC
Post by Laurent Julliard
Post by Meinrad Recheis
Post by Meinrad Recheis
Post by Laurent Julliard
As a matter of fact I had the same thought a while ago when I read the
foxGuib announcement on ruby-talk and I said to myself "wouldn't be nice
if we had this as a plugin in FXRuby".
I think it is a very nice idea and would definitely give FreeRIDE an
advantage compared to the Ruby IDE. I'll take a look at foxGuib myself
and I suggest that you take a look at the FR sources and see how we have
integrated the RDOC browser (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_ri/) or the
FXIRB (see plugins/rubyide_tools_fox_irb/). Those were initially
standalone programs that we managed to visually integrate in FreeRIDE.
i will have a look at them.
Post by Laurent Julliard
I think you should also tell us how you envisage the integration between
the two from an end-user perspective. That would help us translate this
in terms of technical requirements.
ok. let me have a close look at freeride and the available plugins
first. then i will be able to talk about that.
1) foxGUIb is not a single window application. so it will not
integrate into the FreeRIDE GUI as nicely as fxri for instance. Also
the foxGUIb mainwindow needs much screenspace. The only way that makes
sense is launching foxGUIb as a free floating window. foxGUIb is able
to open up some sub windows like the event editor or its built in Ruby
2) foxGUIb's GUI is very individually styled. would you force me to
change the GUI to conform to FreeRIDE's look and feel?
I'd suggest to start foxGUIb as it is from FreeRIDE. Any code that is
generated by foxguib could be opened by the freeride editor
* light integration: freeride just start and stops foxguib and
immediately opens generated source code.
* heavy integration: some parts of foxGUIb become freeride components
such as the event editor and the ruby console.
i'd prefer the light one ;)
what do you think?
I fully agree with you that we should do the light integration. I
doesn't make much sense to embed the windows or panels of foxGUIb in FR.
As to the look and feel it doesn't matter so much for a start. I would
even argue that FR could adopt the foxGUIb look and feel in the long run.
So if foxGUIb is launched as an independent binary programm it is just a
matter of writing a small plugin to start and stop it and establish a
communication mechanism for foxGUIb to give instructions to FR (open a
file, refresh a file,...). Does FR need to give feedback to foxGUIb?
(e.g when pointing to a specific widget variable can we also highlght it
in foxGUIb?
that would be a great idea. so we gotta define a foxGUIb-API for the
freeRIDE plugin to communicate with foxGUIb.
i'd suggest the observer pattern for communication of events that
happen in foxGUIb and result in a reaction of freeride. (this way
foxGUIb doesn't need to know about its freeride plugin) i have such a
mechanism in foxGUIb. i'm sure you'r having such a mechanism in
freeride too ;)

seems to be not that much work. but I don't know where to start.
Post by Laurent Julliard
We would also integrate FR in the installers so that the users has
everything in one piece.

best regards,
-- henon

Laurent Julliard
2006-06-07 07:06:20 UTC
On a side note, the next step for FreeRIDE is to switch to FXRuby/FOX
1.6 (we are still on 1.2). I haven't had time to investigate what it
means in terms of code changes but I though that may be you've gone
through this kind of transition yourself and could give some hints.

Post by Meinrad Recheis
dear freeRIDE developers,
Some jears ago someone said to me on the ruby-talk ML that it would be
a good idea to make a foxGUIb plugin for freeride. Back then i thought
that foxGUIb was not mature enough yet.
Now, that I've reworked it a lot and foxGUIb is getting popular
amongst FXRuby newbies I remembered this idea. What do you think of
-- henon
Freeride-devel mailing list
John M. Gabriele
2006-06-07 14:44:14 UTC
Post by Laurent Julliard
Post by Meinrad Recheis
dear freeRIDE developers,
Some jears ago someone said to me on the ruby-talk ML that it would be
a good idea to make a foxGUIb plugin for freeride. Back then i thought
that foxGUIb was not mature enough yet.
Now, that I've reworked it a lot and foxGUIb is getting popular
amongst FXRuby newbies I remembered this idea. What do you think of
-- henon
On a side note, the next step for FreeRIDE is to switch to FXRuby/FOX
1.6 (we are still on 1.2). I haven't had time to investigate what it
means in terms of code changes but I though that may be you've gone
through this kind of transition yourself and could give some hints.
I was under the impression that the next step for FR is to
move to wxRuby:

Although I haven't seen much action on the wxRuby ML for a
couple of weeks, it seems like completion of their rewrite is
getting fairly close...


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Curt Hibbs
2006-06-07 15:39:00 UTC
Post by John M. Gabriele
Post by Laurent Julliard
Post by Meinrad Recheis
dear freeRIDE developers,
Some jears ago someone said to me on the ruby-talk ML that it would be
a good idea to make a foxGUIb plugin for freeride. Back then i thought
that foxGUIb was not mature enough yet.
Now, that I've reworked it a lot and foxGUIb is getting popular
amongst FXRuby newbies I remembered this idea. What do you think of
-- henon
On a side note, the next step for FreeRIDE is to switch to FXRuby/FOX
1.6 (we are still on 1.2). I haven't had time to investigate what it
means in terms of code changes but I though that may be you've gone
through this kind of transition yourself and could give some hints.
I was under the impression that the next step for FR is to
Although I haven't seen much action on the wxRuby ML for a
couple of weeks, it seems like completion of their rewrite is
getting fairly close...
That was the original plan. But doing so will be a substantial effort and is
contingent on someone being willing to step up and say that they will do it.
This makes it uncertain if or when it would happen.

Upgrading to the newer versions of FXRuby should continue at least until a
wxRuby version is ready. That could be a long time. But no one would be
happier than me if it was shorter than I thought.

Meinrad Recheis
2006-06-07 20:27:18 UTC
Post by Laurent Julliard
On a side note, the next step for FreeRIDE is to switch to FXRuby/FOX
1.6 (we are still on 1.2). I haven't had time to investigate what it
means in terms of code changes but I though that may be you've gone
through this kind of transition yourself and could give some hints.
In fact the transition from fxruby 1.2 to fxruby 1.4 is not as hard as
was the transition from 1.0 to 1.2. It was not such a big deal.
Post by Laurent Julliard
From 1.4 to 1.6 i had nothing to do at all. the same code of foxGUIb
runs well for both FXRuby versions.
Post by Laurent Julliard
Post by Meinrad Recheis
dear freeRIDE developers,
Some jears ago someone said to me on the ruby-talk ML that it would be
a good idea to make a foxGUIb plugin for freeride. Back then i thought
that foxGUIb was not mature enough yet.
Now, that I've reworked it a lot and foxGUIb is getting popular
amongst FXRuby newbies I remembered this idea. What do you think of
-- henon
Freeride-devel mailing list
Freeride-devel mailing list