[Vit-core] (no subject)
Laurent Julliard
2007-03-13 15:27:20 UTC

RRB support has been discontinued and this is why it is deactivated in
FreeRIDE. I don't know if there is any plan to restart the development
on RRB as it is under my responsibility.

With respect to FreeRIDE itself We will probably release something in
April as there are a number of pending features and bug fixes in the CVS

Over the past few months I have posted a number of messages explaining
where people could contribute (see the attached message). The email
archive is at http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/freeride-devel.
You may want to subscribe on the various FR mailing list at

hi Curt,
I looked at the FreeRide projects list on FreeRide wiki and i found
that several projects that are not assigned an owner does that mean
that there is no one working on them? Because I found that refactoring
is unassigned but i read that the guys that did RRB (Ruby Refactoring
Browser) was working on developing refactoring for FreeRide and it is
now being tested for release.
So I want to make sure is it being worked on or not?
will there be a FreeRide release soon and what are it's features?
Best Regards,
Mohamed Atta
---------- Initial Header -----------
Date : Mon, 5 Mar 2007 18:43:04 -0800
Subject : Re: [Vit-core] (no subject)
You sent this to me (Curt Hibbs) instead of Laurent, so I forwarded
it to
Dear Mr. Lauren Julliard,
We a group of students who study computer science at the American
University in Cairo and we are starting our thesis. We are considering
adding Ruby on Rails and more features that can be added to
freeRide such as
Dragg and Dropp icons as our thesis, and we would like to get your
help and
your support . The problem is that Ruby is not very familiar as a
programming language here in our university and in Egypt, so we
think that
your support will help us a lot in accomplishing this project
that freeRide is written using Ruby.
Thank you for your conern
Mohamed A. Atta
*Date* Sun, 4 Mar 2007 21:41:37 -0600
*Subject* Re: [Vit-core] (no subject)
We are a group of Students at the American University in
Cairo, and
we decided to do our thesis as an IDE for RUBY on Rails. We
will be
glad to get your support and your help to accomplish this project.
You have contacted the team that maintains the ruby-lang.org web
site. I'm not sure what support/help we could provide, beyond
wishing you the best of luck (which we definitely do).
You might want to consider doing something with FreeRIDE, the only
source IDE that is actually written in Ruby. It currently supports
programming in general, but does not contain specific support for
Rails. If
you were to add Ruby on Rails support to FreeRIDE as part of your
thesis I'm
sure that would be much appreciated and you would receive much
support from
the FreeRIDE development team.
and you can read about its unique internal architecture (which could,
I copied Laurent Juliard (the current head of the FreeRIDE project) in
case you are interested in persuing this. If so, please email Laurent
Good luck!
Curt Hibbs
2007-03-13 21:29:01 UTC

The wiki pages on subprojects for FreeRIDE are out-of-date... do not rely on
them. Laurent's suggestions below are the way to go.

Post by Laurent Julliard
RRB support has been discontinued and this is why it is deactivated in
FreeRIDE. I don't know if there is any plan to restart the development
on RRB as it is under my responsibility.
With respect to FreeRIDE itself We will probably release something in
April as there are a number of pending features and bug fixes in the CVS
Over the past few months I have posted a number of messages explaining
where people could contribute (see the attached message). The email
archive is at http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/freeride-devel.
You may want to subscribe on the various FR mailing list at
hi Curt,
I looked at the FreeRide projects list on FreeRide wiki and i found
that several projects that are not assigned an owner does that mean
that there is no one working on them? Because I found that refactoring
is unassigned but i read that the guys that did RRB (Ruby Refactoring
Browser) was working on developing refactoring for FreeRide and it is
now being tested for release.
So I want to make sure is it being worked on or not?
will there be a FreeRide release soon and what are it's features?
Best Regards,
Mohamed Atta
---------- Initial Header -----------
Date : Mon, 5 Mar 2007 18:43:04 -0800
Subject : Re: [Vit-core] (no subject)
You sent this to me (Curt Hibbs) instead of Laurent, so I forwarded
it to
Dear Mr. Lauren Julliard,
We a group of students who study computer science at the American
University in Cairo and we are starting our thesis. We are considering
adding Ruby on Rails and more features that can be added to
freeRide such as
Dragg and Dropp icons as our thesis, and we would like to get your
help and
your support . The problem is that Ruby is not very familiar as a
programming language here in our university and in Egypt, so we
think that
your support will help us a lot in accomplishing this project
that freeRide is written using Ruby.
Thank you for your conern
Mohamed A. Atta
*Date* Sun, 4 Mar 2007 21:41:37 -0600
*Subject* Re: [Vit-core] (no subject)
We are a group of Students at the American University in
Cairo, and
we decided to do our thesis as an IDE for RUBY on Rails. We
will be
glad to get your support and your help to accomplish this project.
You have contacted the team that maintains the ruby-lang.org web
site. I'm not sure what support/help we could provide, beyond
wishing you the best of luck (which we definitely do).
You might want to consider doing something with FreeRIDE, the only
source IDE that is actually written in Ruby. It currently supports
programming in general, but does not contain specific support for
Rails. If
you were to add Ruby on Rails support to FreeRIDE as part of your
thesis I'm
sure that would be much appreciated and you would receive much
support from
the FreeRIDE development team.
and you can read about its unique internal architecture (which could,
I copied Laurent Juliard (the current head of the FreeRIDE project) in
case you are interested in persuing this. If so, please email Laurent
Good luck!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From laurent Mon Jan 8 10:26:00 2007
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<font size="-1">Marcin,<br>
I got an email from Curt Hibbs saying that you are interested in
joining the FreeRIDE development team. What I suggest you do is to
first subscribe to the FreeRIDE mailing lists. You can do that from the
following page:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="
I would also sugest that you introduce your self on the devel mailing
list. <br>
Then with respect to where you can contribute i think we have a lot to
do in our plate today.&nbsp; below is a couple of suggestions:<br>
- the current version in the CVS repo uses Fox 1.4 and FXRuby 1.4.
Ideally we should move to </font><font size="-1">Fox 1.6 and FXRuby
1.6 as well as FXScintilla 1.71<br>
- FreeRIDE is notably flakier on Windows than on Linux so some
debugging and bug fixing on Windows is more than welcome. If you are a
Windows developer this is a nice starting point<br>
- The debugger doesn't run very well on Windows. I think it would
require some rewrite (it currently uses dRuby which is a nice solution
on paper but again it suffers some weaknesses on Windows)<br>
- An integrated documentation plugin (we just have a couple of Web
pages for now..)<br>
I would suggest that you first send us your contribution in the form of
patches that i will commit in the CVS repo.<br>
Thanks again for your help.<br>
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